The BrightVine Data Link (BVDL) for Blackbaud CRM is a powerful data integration engine specifically designed for nonprofit organizations using Blackbaud CRM™. (Stay tuned for a new RENXT version this Winter!) The BrightVine Data Link for Blackbaud CRM facilitates efficient and automated data management by integrating various data sources like SQL, flat files, APIs, etc. BVDL helps organizations streamline their processes by eliminating the need for manual data entry, improving data quality, and offering robust error handling.
We have a new favorite here at BrightVine and we’re sure you’ll love it too! The Execute Data Form dynamic operation was released with the BrightVine Data Link version 5.2 and it is a game changer.
This new dynamic operation allows you to call any Add or Edit data form within your Blackbaud CRM environment, including out-of-box forms AND custom forms. This means you are able to process data for areas of Blackbaud CRM that the BVDL does not currently support, as well as custom tables. This dynamic operation is available in Prevalidation, Preprocessing, and Postprocessing.
So, how does it work? The operation utilizes data in the staging tables and the configured mapping to invoke the loading procedure for the form if implemented. It determines the form field values from the staged data and the configured mapping, then calls the form’s save procedure. If the operation returns an exception, you will see the exception in the Fix Exceptions and View Staged Data page like you would for other BVDL exceptions.
Some examples of forms you could call through the Execute Data Form operation include the Recurring Gift Status Edit Form, the Prospect Team Add Data Form and the Constituent
Interaction Response Edit Form. These are all areas of Blackbaud CRM not currently available in BVDL field mappings, but can now be called through this new dynamic operation.
Want to learn more? We’re happy to help.